Kwoot: 1 april

Weissmuller, who now lives in Phoenix, said he first met Murphy when he and his family drove up from their home in suburban Glenview, Ill., to tour the boarding school in December 1968. He enrolled in St. John’s elementary school the next month. Weissmuller recalls clashing with the nuns on campus. But he initially thought Murphy was “a very nice man.” That opinion changed when a nun caught Weissmuller kissing a girl and sent him to Murphy’s office to be disciplined. Murphy asked him to return to his office later that night, Weissmuller said. “He asked me a bunch of questions and asked me what happened with the girl and stuff,” he said. “He asked me to take my clothes off. . . . I felt like I had to do what he said.” Weissmuller expected Murphy to whip him with a belt. Instead, he said, the priest fondled him, then gave him a blessing. That routine continued for the next two years, he said. Weissmuller told his parents when he went home to Glenview, but they didn’t believe him. “My parents thought I was just trying to leave the school,” he said.

Dean Weissmuller is één van de tweehonderd dove slachtoffers die in hun kindertijd werden misbruikt door priester Murphy. Weissmuller wil nu graag van de paus weten waarom zijn verkrachter, priester Murphy, nooit is gestraft door de paus die destijds de verantwoordelijke kardinaal was. Helaas zal er op deze vraag wel nooit een antwoord komen. Of het moet “wir haben es nicht gewusst” zijn. Uit de Los Angeles Times.






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